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Mehnert Corporate Design GmbH & Co.KG
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Solego 2.0
SolarWorx GmbH, Berlin

»Maximum modularity for maximum sustainability«

Especially in rural Africa, many people and their businesses are cut off from the energy grid. When electricity is needed, many resort to environ­men­tally harmful diesel generators.

»Solego« is the smart alternative. The modular solar system from Solarworx uses what is available in abundance: sunlight. This feeds the batteries, which supply numerous devices with green energy.

This picture shows an exploded view of the Solego case.
This picture shows the front and back of the Solego case.
In this picture you can see how the Solego product works.
In this picture you can see the voice function of the Solego product.
In this picture you can see the USB ports of the Solego product.
This picture shows the individual components sorted by materials.