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Mehnert Corporate Design GmbH & Co.KG
+49 30 6111199

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Vibratape - Corporate Design
Vibratape GmbH & Co.KG

For the company Vibratape the corporate design was developed, which takes up the essential characteristics of the product. The vibration of the tape or the app reminds the user to take a correct sitting position in order to avoid a physical incorrect posture.

The principle of erecting is used as a design basis and both in the logo as a characteristic element and expanded as a pattern to visually illustrate the function of vibration.

In this picture you can see the Vibratape logo.
On this picture you can see the packaging of Vibratape.
This animated GIF shows an example of the content of the website
This image shows an illustration of the Vibratape corporate design.
On this picture you can see different icons of the Vibratape corporate design.