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Mehnert Corporate Design GmbH & Co.KG
+49 30 6111199

Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 6, 10179 Berlin

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50 years Zhaoqing University, China

4 years IDI Sino-German-Institute

Mehnert Corporate Design con­gra­tu­la­tes the Zhao­qing Uni­ver­sity in China on its 50th anni­versary.
50 years of fore­sight, 50 years of out­stan­ding com­mit­ment, 50 years of success!
Con­gra­tu­lations to the uni­versity mana­gement, the lec­turers, the stu­dents of the jubilee - the Uni­versity of Zhao­qing.

On this picture you can see a conversation between Prof. Mehnert and Mrs. Li on the LED wall in the office of Mehnert Corporate Design.
This picture shows the making of the video for Zhaoqing University.